KDE:Active:Devel introduced

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Fri Aug 19 21:39:42 UTC 2011

Hi all,

[We're talking about Balsam packages here, if you're only interested in MeeGo, 
skip this email.]

After we had some hickups, and temporarily broken packages in the KDE:Active 
repo on OBS, I decided it's time we get some staging repo. With more and more 
people joining in, we can't just develop in the main repo, since that might 
break people's demo the next day, or simply render their tablets unusable, 
meaning annoyance and extra work for us to explain how to fix this.

For that reason, I've introduced a new subproject to the KDE:Active project on 
OBS, it's called KDE:Active:Devel and it's our testing base. Everybody who can 
commit to KDE:Active, can also commit there. If you'd like to package your own 
project (which we can help with of course), you can get commit rights there.

It also means we'll keep the KDE:Active repository more stable, basically from 
there it should be possible to update at any time, regressions are to be 
caught in KDE:Active:Devel.

It can be found here, and currently contains experimental KWin OpenGL ES 
packages. More to be branched there and deleted as needed.

The basic workflow for this is, if you want to work on a package:
- branch package: 
        osc branch KDE:Active share-like-connect KDE:Active:Devel
- checkout your branch:
        osc co KDE:Active:Devel share-like-connect
- <hack, hack, hack, update sources, fix or break .spec file>
- osc build to try locally
- osc commit to push it to the OBS repo
- test on the device
- When you're happy, submit the change to the main repo so we can pull it in:
        osc sr KDE:Active:Devel share-like-connect KDE:Active



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