Issues Installing Kate on Windows 11

Jay Kyburz jay at
Mon Jul 24 22:48:33 BST 2023

Hi Folks,

I fell in love with Kate on my main PC and now I need to have it on my
Windows 11 laptop as well.

I was running an earlier version but attempted to upgrade to the latest
release this morning.

I had a momentary lapse of judgement and clicked on the windows store icon
on the downloads page. I started the download there, but decided that would
be a bad idea because I have had all kinds of problems with the windows
store before.  I canceled the download, closed the store, and downloaded
the executable installer.

After running the installer, I get an error saying the app cannot be
started because there is no QT platform plugin.

I tried nightly as well and it has the same issue.

I tried to go back to the store, but it seems upset that I canceled a
previous installation  and won't even show me a "get" button anymore.

Any help would be much appreciated.
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