Issues Installing Kate on Windows 11

Jay Kyburz jay at
Thu Jul 27 08:18:12 BST 2023

Hi Folks,

Just reporting back in, The installers generated  on July 27th seems to
have fixed the problem.

Thanks to all the hard work of the maintainers. Hope to be able to
contribute one day.

Special shout-out to the developers of the Documents plugin. Far better
than tabs!

On Tue, Jul 25, 2023 at 7:48 AM Jay Kyburz <jay at> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I fell in love with Kate on my main PC and now I need to have it on my
> Windows 11 laptop as well.
> I was running an earlier version but attempted to upgrade to the latest
> release this morning.
> I had a momentary lapse of judgement and clicked on the windows store icon
> on the downloads page. I started the download there, but decided that would
> be a bad idea because I have had all kinds of problems with the windows
> store before.  I canceled the download, closed the store, and downloaded
> the executable installer.
> (23.04.3)
> After running the installer, I get an error saying the app cannot be
> started because there is no QT platform plugin.
> I tried nightly as well and it has the same issue.
> I tried to go back to the store, but it seems upset that I canceled a
> previous installation  and won't even show me a "get" button anymore.
> Any help would be much appreciated.
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