adding a tag to multiple images

Per Funke per.funke at
Sat Aug 5 05:11:07 BST 2023

Per Funke <per.funke at>
Jul 25, 2023, 11:42 AM (11 days ago)
to kphotoalbum at
(Under the assumption I didn't miss an already existing option)
Sitting and cataloging images it suddenly hits me that all records adorned
with a keyword X ought to also ought to have a keyword Y set bcs I found
out that this is something members of a certain interest group think would
be natural.

The opposite naturally being; all the images with the keywords X and Y
definitely should not have the keyword Y set.

How do I do these operations?
Andreas Schleth
Jul 25, 2023, 12:14 PM (11 days ago)
to kphotoalbum

Hi Per,


1. select all images with "X" and display them in the thumbnail viewer

2. select all (crtl-a)

3. tag multiple images at once (crtl-2)

4. set the tag "Y"

The opposite is more or less the same workflow. Except for 4.: unset "Y"
(You mean: .."with the keywords X and Y should not have the keyword ?? set"
- the last "Y" should be "Z" or so - or the "and Y" does not make sense to


Cheers, Andreas
Am 25.07.23 um 11:42 schrieb Per Funke:
Per Funke <per.funke at>
Jul 25, 2023, 12:44 PM (11 days ago)
to Andreas
thank you!!
I'll do that!
I really should have doing more searches before asking...
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