D24805: Add ENABLE_CCACHE option (default=off)

Andreas Sturmlechner noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sun Oct 20 18:38:49 BST 2019

asturmlechner added a comment.

  In D24805#550829 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D24805#550829>, @hiangel wrote:
  > E.g. recently I created this task <https://phabricator.kde.org/T11866>.
  That is perfectly analogous to your ccache change; you wouldn't enable this per-package either, but globally. Our packaging for cmake-based projects has switched to ninja for some time already, with only minimal fallout in terms of build failures.

  R319 Konsole


To: asturmlechner, #konsole
Cc: konsole-devel, hiangel, fbampaloukas, thsurrel, ngraham, maximilianocuria, hindenburg
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