Postponed meeting

Emmet O'Neill emmetoneill.pdx at
Tue Jan 3 21:43:00 GMT 2023

> I would prefer that too, but I cannot predict when I will go down for one
> or more days in advance...

Of course. I don't mean for this to be directed at you or anyone in
Nobody knows how they're going to feel tomorrow, and none of this should
hinge on any one person.
I don't think anybody should come to a meeting if they aren't feeling up to
it, and certainly not be asked to lead it.

I'm just saying that, collectively, *if we are going to (re)schedule a
meeting it would be best if we could do it at least 8~12+ hours in advance.*
And *if we can't, *because something comes up at the last minute*, then we
just cancel until next week OR hold the meeting with whoever is around.*

It's certainly *not* a big deal, but I think we should avoid (re)scheduling
meetings <1h before they are supposed to start.
I might be the only one minorly bothered by it, but keep in mind that, from
my perspective, many of these schedule changes are happening overnight.
We have people all over the world, and 12+ hours is just objectively
timezone proof. (As a compromise >8 would be OK, but anything <6 is after
1:00am for me.)

That's reasonable, right?

I suggest we try to bring back rotating the meeting lead again as the
> point of that was to reduce stress for one person to handle the
> meetings, but I think this is best discussed during the meeting
> itself.

Yeah, I think that's fair.

Maybe instead of having a leader and backup, we just set up a standard
rotation of meeting leaders (with backup being n+1 or something like that).


At any rate, I don't want to start the year off by complaining about minor
things, but as it's a new year it's a pretty good time to reflect on how
we're doing things, right?

On Tue, Jan 3, 2023 at 6:32 AM Wolthera <griffinvalley at> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 3, 2023 at 1:23 PM Halla Rempt <halla at> wrote:
> >
> > On dinsdag 3 januari 2023 01:50:45 CET Emmet O'Neill wrote:
> > > Generally, as a *future policy* I'd prefer that if we're going to
> postpone
> > > the weekly meeting to a different day of the same week, if we could do
> that
> > > with >=12 hours notice (before the original meeting time) so that
> everyone
> > > can know what's happening ahead of time.
> >
> > I would prefer that too, but I cannot predict when I will go down for
> one or more days in advance...
> >
> > Halla
> >
> >
> I suggest we try to bring back rotating the meeting lead again as the
> point of that was to reduce stress for one person to handle the
> meetings, but I think this is best discussed during the meeting
> itself.
> --
> Wolthera
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