[FreeNX-kNX] Windows 98 Compatability

eto at splot.org eto at splot.org
Sun Nov 6 17:40:41 UTC 2005

On Sun, Nov 06, 2005 at 11:26:58AM -0600, Steve Bergman wrote:

> What I can't understand is why NX is not making a bigger splash than it 
> is.  Many in the OSS community have never heard about it, though VNC is 
> well known enough.


> NX is a major breakthrough for X.  Why are so few people interested?

I run a server that 5 users from across the continent use through VNC.  I
also run a school lab that relies heavily on VNC.

The VNC sessions we use run for months at a time with no issues.  
They are also sharable, which is critical at times.

NX looks promising.  We tried it out for a while.  But the problems with
resuming interrupted sessions, the windows clients, and the non-sharing
aspect to the sessions make it not as attractive ATM.

Just my observations.

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