[WikiToLearn] Maintainer's table nomination
Riccardo Iaconelli
riccardo at kde.org
Tue May 31 19:25:39 UTC 2016
Hi all,
since the organization draft has been under discussion for quite some
time, I think it is time to start nominating at least the Maintainers'
Table, so we can get some work done.
This table will be effective for the next 6 months, from the 1st of
June until the 1st December 2016 (while we take the time to define
both better rules for electing this table and other governance
structures). I have chosen to be more inclusive than the 9 seats I
proposed in the draft, so that all of the maintainers are involved in
the discussion, and we can evaluate how such an organism works
(eventually making and proposing changes as time passes).
The table will have reporting duties to the community: it will
bi-weekly assess the current status of the project and produce a brief
report for the rest of the community, so that everyone can stay ahead
of things. It will also be a contact point for generic queries, as it
has virtually has the knowledge on all the status of the project and
on who-is-working-on-what. All maintainers on the table are then
responsible to communicate with their teams in order to provide
meaningful reports to the rest of the community.
So, without any further ado, I, as WikiToLearn maintainer, announce
that the first WikiToLearn Maintainers' Table will be composed of the
following people:
Alessandro Tundo
Cristian Baldi
Daniele Pannozzo
Dario Mapelli
Davide Maggiorelli
Davide Valsecchi
Gianluca Rigoletti
Ingo Malchow
Irene Cortinovis
Luca Toma
Matteo Bonanomi
Marco Paganoni
Riccardo Gilardi
Riccardo Iaconelli
Russell Greene
Sofia Liguori
Vincenzo Eduardo Padulano
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