[WikiToLearn] New mailing list for core/sensitive development

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Tue May 31 19:08:57 UTC 2016

Hi all,

I have just requested the creation a new mailling list
(wikitolearn-core). The aim of this ML is to have an unarchived and
moderated internal "safe" channel to discuss sensitive matters, which
for legal or political issues cannot be publicly discussed. The list
follows the rule that whatever is discussed on the list will have to
stay on the list. I would like to point out that this list will
strictly only discuss sensitive matters, and we should all put our
best efforts to refrain from discussing anything else there.

Examples of topics that will be on topic for discussion there:
    * preliminary contacts with institutions for partnerships
    * legal matters
    * other non-public promo opportunities

All non strictly sensitive topics, and in general, all important
decisions still have to take place on the public mailing lists.

Keep in mind that this is not an "elite" channel/group of people, but
it's open to all dedicated members of the WikiToLearn community.
Since, however, there is a some amount of trust involved in the
membership, to subscribe this ml there are only two fundamental basic
requisites: having been part of the WikiToLearn community for (at
least) three months and receiving the nomination of a member of the
list. This is to ensure that the safe zone is really safe for any kind
of discussion, but of course, any active WikiToLearn developer is
warmly invited to join.

Please subscribe here:


The list will be active from the 5th of June, I will send a welcome
message to the list when it will be open.

Have fun! :-)

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