[WikiToLearn] Idea for a new feature: "Personal library"

Gianluca Rigoletti gianluca.rigoletti at gmail.com
Mon May 30 07:30:08 UTC 2016

I like the idea, but I if we want to have a more realistic approach
using already existing mediawiki tools we only have the Collection
extension that gives the user the possibility to create a book and
save it on his personal page. (I am trying it now on vodka, mabe there
is some configuration missing because I can't save a random book on my
page). Maybe see the link to the doc [1]. Speaking of the the
protection I defnintely need to codument better about this, but I know
that you can protect user's pages [2 and [3]. Mediawiki is full of
these kind of configuration.

[1] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Collection#User_rights_for_saving_books
[2] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:UserPageEditProtection
[3] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgNamespaceProtection


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