[WikiToLearn] A draft proposal for a WikiToLearn Board and other structures

Matteo Bonanomi matteo9496 at gmail.com
Fri May 13 11:43:26 UTC 2016


On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 8:56 PM, Riccardo Iaconelli <riccardo at kde.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was thinking of admins and other people who have a general overview on the
> project... somebody who can tell how spam is going, how many accounts are
> registered, what are the difficulties found by the general community... this
> kind of things

I agree with you on this point: probably admins (and tutors) are the
most suitable figures to be part of the maintainers table. According
to what you are saying, I think that the main contribution from
editors in the maintainers table could be in this sense: spam,
registered accounts, general difficulties and so on. This part of our
general organization will be extremely powerful (and needed), since it
allows us to keep every aspect of our work monitored and up-to-date.

>> During the sprint we set up the internal organization for the editors
>> group, but I feel the need of such a structure to start efficiently as
>> soon as possible because it's complementary to the internal structure
>> you are proposing here.
> Yes, that is really true. If you have ideas on how to get it started
> efficiently, please go ahead :-)

In my opinion we should start defining roles in a more precise way.
Now we have more experienced editors who help new users, do contents
review but we do not have well defined roles. The use of badges, a
re-organization of communication channels and a page on meta where
admins and tutors are listed could be a good starting point.

PS: This draft may create some problem of interpretation to some
users. I would suggest to take a look to this
http://meta.wikitolearn.org/Community_organization , where we do
define the internal organization for editors: everything is clear and
every role is well defined; no doubt can emerge. Maybe this draft
proposal can be made more clear for everyone following the one linked


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