[WikiToLearn] A draft proposal for a WikiToLearn Board and other structures

Matteo Bonanomi matteo9496 at gmail.com
Thu May 12 09:02:04 UTC 2016

Hi Riccardo,

On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 12:58 AM, Riccardo Iaconelli <riccardo at kde.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> given the unexpected and rapid growth of WikiToLearn, many of you have
> expressed concerns about having some more structure to organize work. I have
> been giving it some thought, inspiring myself from how KDE e.V. and Fedora
> work.

I completely agree with you and I think that this necessity is felt by
anybody in our community, since if we want to grow and succeed we need
a good internal structure to organize our work.

> Here's a quick draft of what I imagined for WikiToLearn:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/
> 1xV6TZeYKxeZjn9OGqeaIKghS7rh780Zv_fRblW_4kWk/edit#

I think that all these roles are necessary and have to be set up as
soon as possible in order to guarantee a good quality in our work and,
moreover, a good coordination.
Probably this idea "scares" someone, but I think that everybody should
agree on the fact that such an internal organization is needed.

There's only one thing I'd like to point out: in all those groups
there's the presence of one (or more) editor. I'd like to stress the
fact that editors' world is pretty much different from techs' and
devs' ones so all those editors who will be part of the "maintainers'
table" may not have anything new on a two week basis, during the
meeting of this group of people; editors work tends to be strongly
time-dependent. So, It's ok to have this maintainers table and imho it
will be a very important tool for our work but it has to be properly
organized in order to allow people with different backgrounds to have
something to talk about on a 2weekly basis.
During the sprint we set up the internal organization for the editors
group, but I feel the need of such a structure to start efficiently as
soon as possible because it's complementary to the internal structure
you are proposing here.



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