[WikiToLearn] [Feature] New User Journey

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Thu Apr 28 16:53:24 UTC 2016

Hi Sofi,

On 27 April 2016 at 13:22, Sofia Liguori <s.liguori4 at campus.unimib.it> wrote:
> I mean, instead  of having just a list of the sections created by the user i
> suggest having also a list of sections "observed" which the user is
> interested in editing.

do you mean, something like this? ;-)

Pace Peace Paix Paz Frieden Pax Pokój Friður Fred Béke 和平
Hasiti Lapé Hetep Malu Mир Wolakota Santiphap Irini Peoch שלום
Shanti Vrede Baris Rój Mír Taika Rongo Sulh Mir Py'guapy 평화

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