[WikiToLearn] Diff-aware bot for latex importation

Santiago Saavedra ssaavedra at gpul.org
Mon Nov 9 16:25:42 UTC 2015

IMHO, the cleanest way (for LaTeX users at least) would be to have
dual-way synchronization (that is, LaTeX -> Wiki *plus* Wiki ->
LaTeX). Given that, we could go for the following set of actions:

1) Upload converted LaTeX
2a) Document may be changed on the site
2b) LaTeX source can be also changed
3) LaTeX source gets changes from wiki via diff against (Wiki -> LaTeX markup)
4) LaTeX source can be re-uploaded (changes are now merged locally) as
a new version of the page

Of course that would be awesome if uploading from LaTeX does not lose
history, because otherwise we would miss most of the wiki thing.

If we could not have that, we can at least do the diffing/merging on
the wiki side: if we got a marker for versions coming from LaTeX
conversion we could use that as "base" revisions in a 3-way merge.

Patch theory is complicated :-)

2015-11-09 11:43 GMT+01:00 Riccardo Iaconelli <riccardo at kde.org>:
> On Monday, November 09, 2015 02:59:35 AM Dario Mapelli wrote:
>> Stupid idea from a newbie:
>> 1) import a latex file and create a course (even with multiple pages)
>> 2) edit some of them
>> 3) import an updated version of the latex and create a new course
>> 4) use something like diff to compare the version online and the new
>> imported version of each page, and let the importer chose whether to keep
>> or discard the changes. And maybe also notify the one who made the
>> discarded changes, so that there is a "double check".
>> Maybe this is a nonsense, but i think it is a starting point!
> The problem if, what is something changed on the website between each import?
> And how do you backport those changes to your TeX?
> Automating these things is a mess :-)
> -Riccardo

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