[WikiFM] A few other updates

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Mon Jul 27 14:41:35 UTC 2015


a few other recent updates:

* Milano-Bicocca Computer Science department officially joins the
experimentation, and will ask students to contribute to WikiFM. They
also suggest contacting Prof. Conti who has a Math course in the fist
year where students might work better together.

* WikiLearn name is taken, I contacted the registrant, waiting to hear
back. If you have ideas or names, please send them.

* I am about to work with Andrew Lake on defining a clear vision and
pitch, will let you know how that goes

* Some web developers from India asked me how to get started fixing a
few bugs and the other problems we have. We also have a contact with
WMF for upstreaming these fixes, which is an enormous thing. If
somebody feels like working on a few testcase pages, that would be
absolutely amazing.

Let's see what the rest of the day brings...

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