[WikiFM] Bof Notes

Boudewijn Rempt boud at valdyas.org
Mon Jul 27 11:01:08 UTC 2015

Highly unedited notes:


mediawiki + integrated plugins + downloading pdfs of content

aimed at creating and remixing (text-)books

wikifm hosting kde content, moving userbase content to wikifm???

identity systems must be integrated with wikifm federated login system

solid system resources support for the foreseable feature in garr, infn, 
indigo, but no paperwork signed. It's eu financed, eu demands other 
use-cases than higher physics. Wikifm fits there.

allow downloading the docker image and use it off-line. we can have many 
different docker images. Let's talk to to Harald and Rohan about CI, 
because right now it's github based.

Name: wikifm isn't very descriptive. The name should focus on what we 
want. Grabbed wikilearn.org, to be transfered to KDE e.V.

We can do interesting stuff, like having a tutorial with code and test it 
immediately. It would make it really easy to use with a Make Your First 
KDE Application tutorial.

Action Plan:

* Proof of Concept of Integration with KDE

  - discuss with krita community (action point boud)
  - Let's make a KDE topic, and do a bit of content. (action point boud)
  - dot article (action point ruphy)
  - links from kde sites
  - see what happens

  - talk to sysadmins! (action point ruphy)

* Academical Spreading

  - Sandro is interested in using wikifm in Brazil, to use in coding 
  - Ruphy asks: what are peoples concerns about wikifm, what holds back 
from adopting wikifm in an academic situation, what do you need to spread 
  - What works well: professors working together with students, asking 
volunteers to write colllaboratively the course notes for a particular 
course on-line. This can build a lot of high-quality material in no-time.

* About Evolving KDE

Valorie: KDE should be people making great stuff. So, wikifm^Wwikilearn is 
an opportunity to show the world that KDE is this awesome community which 
is broader than a group of hackers that use Qt.

- Note: talk to Devaja for promo!!!
- Valorie will help with promo as well, ruphy needs help with promotion, 
but also needs web admin help
- elevator pitch/vision statement/tagline: talk to Andrew Lake.


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