[WikiFM] WikiFm for Open Source content & knowledge Integration

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Tue Aug 11 21:13:52 UTC 2015


On 10 August 2015 at 15:02, jigar raisinghani
<jigarraisinghani at gmail.com> wrote:
> I had a brief discussion with Riccardo at akademy regarding promoting Wikifm
> or WikiToLearn in Indian Institutes/Universities/Colleges and it made a lot
> of sense especially looking at where the Education system or teaching is
> going.
> I really liked the idea and have some thoughts on that. I am Jigar
> Raisinghani, currently the maintainer of Calligra Sheets and have been
> contributing to KDE for 4 years. Currently, I am working with Red Hat We
> attend a lot of conferences like Pycon, KDE conf , Akademy etc and there is
> a lot of content & ideas which come out of conferences but are never
> documented or reused by others ( who aren't attending confs) and it would
> make sense for University students if they want to know more about Open
> Source products, upcoming technologies and how they can contribute. This
> wouldn't be directly related to courses but there can be a section in
> WikiToLearn teaching about Open Source Stuff.

I think it makes a lot of sense! I would create a subsection under
Computer Science/Computer Engineering, to make sure it's more visible.
Maybe a section like the ones here? https://en.wikifm.org/Physics

> I would like to give an example from the Indian Context. There are a lot of
> reputed universities in India with great Global Rankings but the sad part is
> that the awareness about Open Source is very less and it becomes difficult
> to motivate people to contribute to Open Source and we definitely miss out
> on potential developers. So, I feel such a section could be like a one stop
> information source for potential open source enthusiasts. Also, a lot of
> interesting stuff can be made available if people attending conferences can
> make notes and post. Usually people write a blog which gets integrated at
> the community level but not beyond. Hacker News is awesome but it doesn't
> necessarily focus on Open Source and also its just announcements & news.
> So, I feel that adding a section of Open Source would make sense and also
> help in promoting Wikifm or WikiToLearn.
> The idea can be refined further if it sounds interesting.

The idea is very interesting indeed, and very much in the spirit of
what we are doing!
I encourage you to simply get an account and already starting defining
and writing on a page what you would like to see, so that everybody
can give you some valuable feedback. :-)

For the conference notes, we can think of exploiting the User pages.
They are collectable in a book and printable like any other, but they
live in a custom namespace and (I think) serve very much the purpose
of personal notes. They probably need a little bit of documentation
and promotion to be used? Let's experiment! ;-)

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