[WikiFM] IRC Meeting for India+WikiFM/WikiToLearn strategy

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Tue Aug 4 16:09:03 UTC 2015

Hello everyone,

following up some interesting discussion we had at Akademy, it seems
like there are very big opportunities for us in India. It is a very
big pool of users, english-speaking and motivated to have a better
authoring tool. Students in Indian universities would fancy course
notes of non-indian universities (or curated by non-indian teachers),
and the ability of collaborating to create solid, authoritative study

I think that for these reasons India should be a key priority for all
of us. I would like to propose a quick IRC meeting with all interested
people, to plan how we could make this a success. Since I guess that
some points will be overlapping with other parts of the world, I would
treat the points in a general way (still keeping an indian focus).

- Promo 1: Dot article, vision, social presence... what we need to fix *now*
- How we can best promote WikiToLearn to students/professors (esp. in India)
-- What did we learn from Italy
-- How do we think of proceeding in the rest of the world
-- Promo plan for India
-- Next appointments: Chile, Fermilab, CERN: what do we want to achieve?
- Code: what are our key features which we need before going live?
- Infrastructure: how much do we need to scale?
-- Virtual machine policy

Please fill in this doodle and let's see if we can find a suitable
time for everyone:

If you would like to cover other points within the meeting or you
think I forgot something, please just reply and add yours! :-)
In any ways, all kind of feedback is welcome!

(p.s. I will be going until saturday in a place with possibly very
limited internet connectivity. Apologies in advance for any late reply
:-) )
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