[WikiFM] Hi to everyone

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Sat Aug 1 14:46:12 UTC 2015

On 30 July 2015 at 21:37, Gmail Principale <davide.vals94 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm Davide Valsecchi, I'm studying physics at Milano Bicocca and I come from Bergamo.
> I'm really interested in wikitolearn ( now that's the name, isn't it?) project and I'm willing to contribute.
> I'm a dev (not an expert..) and I love challenges, so Riccardo Iaconelli asked me to think about a peer review system to evaluate articles quality and reliability on wikiFM. I discussed with Riccardo the features that this system should have and I've some ideas.
> As soon as I'll have a more clear project, I'll send you that to have your opinions.

Ciao Davide!
Amazing that you are already on working on this! Feel free to send any
proposal, even in the initial stage, to this list, so we can help you
providing some feedback.

Also, if you have questions on the developer setup, this is the way to
go (we really need to document it)

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