[WikiToLearn Tech] [Feature] New User Journey

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Sat May 21 19:27:21 UTC 2016

On sabato 21 maggio 2016 16:29:58 CEST Alessandro Tundo wrote:
> 2) A new course as a whole process
> Starting to write a new course could scare new users as you highlighted.
> Use the personal page it's not bad but we could do better.
> First of all we can imagine the use case "Create a new course" as a
> whole driven process (using a modal for example) with a final recap.
> At this stage you can ask to the user if he/she want to publish or not
> and so on. Maybe we could store it in his/her UserPage if is not sure
> What do you think about it?

It makes sense: only one point - this has the problem that it's not possible 
for common users to rename pages within the global namespace, so you need to 
make sure they are correct since moment #1. If it's too easy to create 
courses, you could end up with "test" courses created "just to try".

So either we give at least some moving/delete privileges to everyone (but then 
we need to make sure one cannot overwrite existing pages), or we have to come 
back to user namespace...


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