[WikiToLearn Tech] Ubuntu fonts bug

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Fri Mar 25 11:53:22 UTC 2016

On 25 March 2016 at 12:40, Gianluca Rigoletti
<gianluca.rigoletti at gmail.com> wrote:
>> What are your thoughts about solving the issue?
>> On my side I can:
> - Change the font family (but users need to be other amth fonts
> installed, so it doesn't make sense)
> - Write a guide on how to install the new Latin Modern font (it should
> be writte for every kind of distro that has this problem)
> - Force to download a font family with css (it may be slow if cache is
> not stored).
> Sorry but I made the mistake to submit the mail before completing it :)

So... it's an ubuntu bug, with a specific version of a font.
What about disabling mathml for that specific ubuntu version? Or
disabling MathML entirely? Would we drop support for some ancient
browser (but is there a browser with mathml and no svg support)? What
are the advantages of MathML compared to SVG rendering?

Just some ideas...

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