Reorganizing Feature plan pages

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at
Mon Jan 11 18:32:13 UTC 2016

On Monday, January 11, 2016 07:13:17 PM Gianluca Rigoletti wrote:
> The advantage of having a meta page is that we can group and
> categorize tasks with the criteria we want ( now we have a table that
> divides in progress tasks from frozen ones.)
> If we can get the same results with phabricator maybe we can aviod a
> page on meta.
> In my opinion we should have a meta page where every task is a link
> that points on phab

I also really like what Gianluca has done! I think it makes sense to somehow 
share the information between the two repositories, on the wiki it's great for 
visualization and history, and on Phabricator for doing the actual tracking.

Russell's idea in this has value. However, I found no plugin to query 
Phabricator and display the result on a wiki page.

What we could do is either write our own extension to mediawiki to handle this 
(after all, both APIs are public), or simply use tables, because with a decent 
planning that shouldn't be too much work (ideally the tasks will need to 
change status and that's it).

I still believe that the "frozen" status doesn't make much sense, though. 
Honestly, I would keep just three statuses: Planned, In progress, Done.

Also, I would use table rows, one per feature (opposed to items in a single 
row, which leads to inconsistencies).

...just my two cents


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