[WikiToLearn Tech] Summing up the OCG Meeting

Cristian Baldi bld.cris.96 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 19:31:38 UTC 2016

Hey guys,

today a few of us had a meeting to discuss about the state of the OCG
project, talking about what we achieved and what we still have to complete.
For those not familiar with it, OCG is the part of the website that lets
users create books and export them as PDFs.

Since the last release:
* We have a new and awesome cover for the generated books, as well as a
second page that gives some brief info about WikiToLearn and how the book
was created
* We finally have a simple but working implementation of tables (we can
convert simple tables to latex - even Wikipedia can’t do this at the
* We have a beautiful footer on each page of the PDF which displays a small
* We have improved the web interface of Collection, providing features such
as a progress bar and the automatic download when the rendering is complete.
* Various improvements to the code

Stuff that has to be fixed (I will keep this one a bit general, more
details should come in the next days on phabricator)
+ We have to make the parameter "Book title" required, right now the
default is “Book”, which works but could be better
+ We have to fix the bug about the capitalization of the filenames
*(+?) We have to find a way to better handle the external links in the
PDFs: we decided to show them as a footnote (we will do some testing to see
if this is possible)
* We have to fix a bug about broken references inside the PDF
+ We have to fix a little bug in the progress bar of the collection
* We have to develop a better way of displaying the people who collaborated
in creating the book (we have some ideas, we need to do some investigation
on how to do this best)

I decided to mark some stuff with + because I think we need to sort this
out before releasing the new version, since these issues are pretty
critical: let me know what you think about this decision.

As always, we are here to answer any question!

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