[WikiToLearn Editors] Organization working group and Minutes of the video meeting

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Tue Mar 22 12:40:18 UTC 2016

Hi all,

here are the minutes of the video meeting held within the editors community:

In short, we've decided to restructure the organization of the
communication channels, to allow most people to watch just a few
channels (instead of the current mess) and still keep up to date.
We've been also preparing some well defined roles, duties and
privileges within the editing community, to prepare for #operation1000
and a possibly very complex interaction model.

In order to prepare a concrete and efficient plan, we've decided to
set-up a small working group of people who have already given a lot of
thought to the issue.

Participation is obviously open to everyone (especially everyone
interested in community management issues), but we're trying to keep
the group small and focussed. Of course, please contact me privately
if you wish to be added to the group.

Result of this effort will be an initial draft that will be proposed
to the community, as a basis for discussion. As you can imagine, this
is a very, very delicate issue for the success of WikiToLearn, so we
need to make sure we'll give it some proper thinking. :-)

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