Adding Enumerations to a class diagram automatically creates unwanted aggregations

Robert Hairgrove code at
Sat Aug 1 15:51:36 BST 2020

Please take a look at the attached class diagram (if it survives posting 
to the list?) The aggregation association, circled in red, was added 
automatically by Umbrello after dragging the <<enum>> to the class 
diagram. Since enumerations are primitve types, there is no need for 
aggregation because there is no lifetime of the object.

The class csv::CodecInfo has a member of type "boms" which is the 
enumeration. While this might make sense for a real class, it makes no 
sense for enumerations. I would like to use dependency instead of 
aggregation, but every time I delete it, it is created again.

Is this a bug or a feature?
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