[Uml-user] how about ORM uml notation in Umbrello ?

Joar Jegleim joarj at student.uio.no
Fri Aug 31 11:45:33 UTC 2007

anybody know how to draw ORM uml with Umbrello ?
The alternatives listed at http://www.orm.net/resources.html doesn't 
really suit me.

An example of what I want to draw may be viewed at 
it's a pdf file in norwegian, but check out page 5 + the last one, they 
got some orm uml stuff on the form I'm trying to follow.

Umbrello is doing it 99% right for me, but when I incert for instance a 
class, the class refers to methods (e.g. int, string etc...) which 
confuses my model...
If anybody know how I could write free txt in those class'es, without 
add'ing methods or other datatypes  I'd appreciate a hint ;)

Joar Jegleim

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