[Uml-user] Using umbrello do generate SQL code

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Tue Aug 14 16:18:28 UTC 2007

On Tue, Aug 14, 2007 at 11:53:58AM -0400, Samuel Gilbert wrote:
> Hello,
>   I'm trying to use umbrello to build an entity-relationship model and then 
> generate SQL code.  At first I tried to make an entity-relationship diagram, 
> but it was really buggy (Attribute don't appear, but if you try to add them 
> again it says they already exit) and it looks like code generation only works 
> with classes.
>   I did my entire diagram using classes.  Now I can export the code.  However, 
> I don't get foreign key constraints.  I looked at the source code (version 
> 1.5.71) and in the file umbrello/codegenerators/sqlwriter.cpp, it's pretty 
> obvious that umbrello is able to write such constraints.  Unfortunately, I 
> can't figure out how to specify them in the GUI.  I tried to change the type 
> of relationship between my classes (Aggregation and composition) to no avail.

Umbrello in KDE 4 does have E-R generation.  The stable version as
you've discovered doesn't have anything very useful.


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