[Uml-user] Reimporting the same C++ file

Staffan Vilcans staffan.vilcans at jadestone.se
Thu Mar 17 06:56:00 UTC 2005


I'm running Umbrello 1.3.1 and according to the list of features at 
http://uml.sourceforge.net/feature.php I should be able to import the 
same file twice. I have tried to do that, but instead of updating the 
existing class(es) Umbrello prompts for a new name. Am I doing something 

Staffan Vilcans
Game Server Developer - Spirits
Jadestone Group AB - http://www.jadestone.se
Tel: +46(0)8240501 (ext 242) Mob: +46(0)737282486
Björns Trädgårdsgränd 1
116 21 Stockholm, SWEDEN 

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