[uml-user] arrange line of text and other objects

Paul Temple paul.temple at gmx.net
Tue Apr 12 00:36:58 UTC 2005

> Sounds like a bug. How about creating an entry at
> http://bugs.kde.org preferably with an example file
> that shows the problem) ?

What is the expected behaviour in umbrello? (Non semantic) 
objects created later lie on top of prior created objects? As 
there is no possibility to arrange the elements, I think this 
could be a wished feature (which includes fixing the small bug).

> > And one UML feature I miss in sequence diagrams is the
> > "loop" box
> Pardon my ignorance, what is a loop box?

See page 12 in 
For the loop operator (which is represented by a box) in UML 2.

In UML 1.4 it looks a little bit different: Page 3 in
shows a repeat-until loop. Another 1.4 diagram containing a loop 
is on http://users.skynet.be/averkeyn/computer/uml.html (search 
for "Sequence diagram" on that page).

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