[Uml-user] Couple of questions

Jonathan Belson jon at witchspace.com
Sun Jun 27 05:20:13 UTC 2004


I've just been having a play with Umbrello with a view to using it for
work projects.  My experience has mostly been positive so far, but I've
found one 'feature' which has been annoying me.

On line 81 of parmpropdlg.cpp, the 'Type' combo box is set to


This would be fine, but unfortunately the autocompletion mechanism is case
insensitive.  The problem comes when you clear the box and try to enter
a type, in my case 'D3DXVECTOR3'.  As soon as you enter the 'D', it
autocompletes as 'double' and highlights all but the first letter.  After
typing the remaining characters I end up with 'd3DXVECTOR3' which I have
to manually fix every single time.

Would the developers consider turning off the autocomplete feature?

Another question regarding generalisation/inheritance:  I couldn't figure
out a way to show two sub-types of a super-type, i.e. using a branching
generalisation line rather than two separate ones.  Does Umbrello
currently suport this?




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