[Uml-user] Reverse Engineering

David Ginger David at ukGinger.net
Tue Dec 9 05:30:02 UTC 2003

Umberllo 1.1.1 using KDE 3.10

I was hoping to reverse engineer some Java code that has been given too me as 
an assignement.

I did
Code->Import Classes....
selected all the *.java

By Magic it has come up with 7 of the 11 classes in the side bar, (or 
navigator bar in the left hand of the screen).

At college we have to use Rational Rose, were I would drag and drop onto the 
canvas, to build up the diagram, then carefully check for mistakes... 

Can anyone help please, becuase I'm only a newbie at UML and I do'nt fully 
understand all those associations. Its made up of about 11 classes, I've left 
them on a bit of my webspace in a folder

As *.bz2

Or as 11 indvidual files..

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