My GSoC Project

Lays Rodrigues laysrodriguessilva at
Sat Sep 24 00:46:51 UTC 2016

Hi Ralf,
I was talking to Riddell about my work, and I have some points:
 - The issues on Windows: When I started GSoC, you said to me to start work
on Umbrello x Windows issues. BUT I didn't know what to find or where to
look to find bugs. And that was a mistake. Since I was lost, and waiting
for you o guide me, this task was prejudiced. So in the development of
GSoC, I wasn't able, in the end, to check out this bugs/problems.
- Riddell made a great job reviewing my work on ReviewBoard and making the
tests necessary to pass the new features that I implemented. I was able to
implement the Object Diagram almost successfully and adding the missing c++
keywords. But, I don't know if this last change would require more stuff to
fix it. That, I think that would require a further look by you to see what
I did miss.
- I'm still a newbie on using all the power of git, and in this past few
weeks, working on my personal 3DPrinting project I learned some stuff and
realized that my git history on Umbrello is very bad. I was thinking about
break apart and adding patch by patch correcting and splitting stuff. But
that would require time, that I don' have now because I'm too busy with
college and personal problems to solve.

So I think that depends a little on you reviewing my work and highlighting
points that I need to check.

On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 4:18 AM, Ralf Habacker <ralf.habacker at>

> Am 21.09.2016 um 12:30 schrieb Ralf Habacker:
> > Am 20.09.2016 um 15:33 schrieb Jonathan Riddell:
> >> I propose to merge frameworks-GSoC into frameworks branch in the next
> >> few days unless anyone has issues with it
> > That sounds good :-)
> >
> > Are you going to merge it as a bulk or better to create topic related
> > commits or branches and merge that ?
> To be more specific:
> We need to be aware that the KDE release cycle includes to make stable
> branches from master from time to time (currently every 4 month).
> Putting unfinished work or work which breaks other stuff into master
> without any guard results into having a broken stable umbrello in 4
> month at the latest. For work, which could be enabled with a few #if...
> #endif blocks,  there is support in umbrello build system  (see
> to not having them in stable relases until someone has reviewed the
> topic, fixed all unfinished stuff and enable it explicity.
> The following incomplete or untested features are currently present in
> git master:
> - show documentation in classes
> - new c++ code generator, which is major broken
> - objects dock window
> From the frameworks-GSoc branch I guess the commit relating to data type
> modifier and qualifier widget stuff would be a candidate for this.
> Ralf

*Lays Rodrigues*
*Software Developer at KDE*
*Computer Science Student at Federal Fluminense University*
* <>*
*Telegram: @lays147*
*IRC: lays147*
*Phone: +55 22 999899467*
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