[Uml-devel] Umbrello improvement

Emmanuel Lepage-Vallée elv1313 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 5 01:57:38 UTC 2013

Hi Oscar,

Your changes look very interesting ans useful. Umbrello live from
contributions like yours and if it doesn't cause any issues, it would
be nice to merge them as soon as possible. Umbrello should officially
switch to the Git version system soon after the KDE SC 4.10 release,
making it a lot easier to track and integrate contributions like
yours. My advice would be for you to get a KDE developer account (see
the KDE techbase wiki and #kde-git and #kde-sysadmin on freenode.net
IRC).  Then, once the thunk is unfrozen and migrated to git, make a
branch with your changes applied on the most recent version of
Umbrello. Once it is done, push your branch to KDE servers so other
Umbrello contributors can test the changes and hopefully merge them
into the master branch.

Thank you for contributing to Umbrello

On 4 January 2013 16:39, Oscar Herrera <oha at correo.azc.uam.mx> wrote:
> My name is Oscar Herrera
> Im Professor at the Metropolitan Autonomus University at Mexico city
> (see http://ia.azc.uam.mx )
> For several years I have been working with the Umbrello source code and
> I have detected some weaknesses
> 1. It does not allow to define overloaded Constructors for Java (it
> inserts return types)
> 2. It does not realize reverse engineering for method implementations
> (is it?)
> 3. It generates private attributes and private getter setter methods,
> what produce unusable code islands
> I have developed some enhancements in order to use Umbrello unofficially
> with my students.
> I decide to modify the javawriter.cpp file:
> 1. To generate constructors detecting that the name of the class has the
> same name that the constructors, and to insert constructor implementations
> 2. To generate constructors in the appropriate section Constructors
> 4. To generate public getter setter methods for private attributes
> 3. Create an external Java program that synchronizes (classes+method
> implementations) from subdirectories with java files to insert them to
> the corresponding XMI proyect
> from which I generate the sources
> Im interested you to insert a link to this program which, in the worst
> case, could be available as servlet in my ia.azc.uam.mx server
> What I pretend is to know a official way to collaborate with the
> Umbrello proyect officially
> Thanks in advance
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