[Uml-devel] Git-Migration
Ralf Habacker
ralf.habacker at googlemail.com
Tue Jan 17 23:03:56 UTC 2012
Am 13.01.2012 00:11, schrieb Andi Fischer:
> Am 12.01.2012 23:34, schrieb Ralf Habacker:
>> Are there any plans to migrate to git for easier branch and merge
>> management ?
>> Regards
>> Ralf
> Not yet. That would be very cool.
> To do that the following has to be done: (see also
> http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/MovetoGit)
> - write some importing rules
> - buy a big hard drive
Here are a few notes and questions:
1. umbrello is currently a part of the kdesdk package. Should this be
the prefered way in he future or should umbrello goes into a separate
git repository?
2. a separate repo means to convert umbrello to a standalone cmake package.
3. umbrello doc is not a part of the recent umbrello subdir - how to
proceed ? let it still be in kdesdk or move to umbrello source ?
4. umbrello uses several branches - which one need to be migrated and
which one could be dropped ?
5. The main documentation for a migration into a kde git repository
could be found on http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/MoveToGit/StepsToMove
- there is a detailed plan
6 In this doc there is no hint about how to migrate the translation
7. Who will do the migration - Jonathan mentioned that Emmanueel Lepage
Vallee (Elv13) who pops up on IRC occationally has been interested in
doing this in the past, he needs to be contacted
8. Who should have write access to this repo - who should be the
maintainer of the repository ?
9. Are there any missing topics ?
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