[Uml-devel] Some more steps to Qt4 in soc-umbrello

Oliver Kellogg oliver.kellogg at t-online.de
Tue Apr 27 18:05:40 UTC 2010

On Tue, 2010-04-27 at 19:04 +0200, Eike Krumbacher wrote:
> Andi Fischer schrieb:
> > [...]
> > Don't remove it - it's a nice concept!
> >
> >   
> nice, indeed, it just crashed :-)
> (restarting,  add a class, view code, then changing the tab).
> It crashes faster than I can see, what it is good for.

As a side note, the whole advanced codegenerator code base was plagued
with too heavy weight constructors (virtual method calls in constructor
before object construction finished.)
Getting the advanced code generators to work as they do today was a long
journey. I had a hard time wrapping my head around the inheritance graph
of some of those classes (to get an idea, look at HierarchicalCodeBlock,
TextBlock and "friends", or look at http://bugs.kde.org/84739)
And I never arrived at the CodeViewer.

So I'm not saying "kick it out" or "leave it in", just saying that some
major redesign work may be needed to straighten things out.


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