[Uml-devel] Debugging Umbrello

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Wed Dec 23 12:01:29 UTC 2009

Juha Manninen schrieb:
> Hi,
> a newbie question: how to make a project for Umbrello in KDevelop (or some 
> other IDE) and debug it?
> I was able to build the SVN version of Umbrello. I could also import its 
> makefile to KDevelop and browse the files.
> I still could not build or debug it there.
On windows there are detailed instructions for compiling and debuging 
kde application (and umbrello) based on the "emerge tool" on 

For ide's there are two options:
1. for msvc based builds the ms visual studio express 2008 is a first 
class debug environment
 umbrello is available as standalone emerge package (in category 
testing) or as part of the kdesdk package. I suggest to build all 
packages in debug mode (see the documentation how to do).
1.2. Then open the resulting executable with

    vcepress /debugexe <complete-path-to-executable>

as described in 

1.3. To have full ide support (for example intellisence), umbrello 
should be build as ide project.
After step 1 run

      set EMERGE_OPTIONS=cmake.openIDE=1


     emerge --update umbrello

to create visual studio ide files and open the project in the ide. Now 
you can compile and debug umbrello completly in the ide.

2. for mingw builds qt creator may be usable too, but I haven't tested. 
People on the kde-windows at kde.org mailing list may have experience in 
doing in this way.


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