[Uml-devel] Umbrello and KDE4
Andi Fischer
andi.fischer at hispeed.ch
Sat Mar 1 21:21:21 UTC 2008
Rafael Fernández López wrote:
> Hi,
> Now that I see more movement on this list, I would like to say two things:
> 1. We have an annoying bug what makes umbrello look strange under KDE4. Labels
> (everywhere, menues, toolbars, dialogs) look cut off, if you change fonts on
> systemsettings, and then restart umbrello. Using the default font (rm -rf
> ~/.kde4) will work, and won't present problems. I have been searching for a
> while the root of this problem, but was unable to find it.
> 2. We should wonder if we have to port Umbrello to QGraphicsView. Using Qt3's
> canvas is not good. If someone feels like it, can present even a GSoC for
> some student to port the stuff.
> Bye,
> Rafael Fernández López
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Hi Rafael,
I have already started to work on point 2. I have a patch set, that
ports umbrello to the QGraphicsView / QGraphicsSceen. I can start the
application and see some drawings, but there are still a lot of bugs.
This will take some more time, as this will lead to many changes and a
lot of testing.
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