[Uml-devel] branches/KDE/3.5/kdesdk/umbrello

Oliver Kellogg okellogg at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Sep 1 17:25:04 UTC 2006

SVN commit 579792 by okellogg:

Patch from Achim Spangler fixes load of associations in collaboration
diagram. Thanks Achim for the fix!

 M  +3 -0      ChangeLog  
 M  +3 -0      umbrello/assocrules.cpp  

--- branches/KDE/3.5/kdesdk/umbrello/ChangeLog #579791:579792
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 Version 1.5.5
+* PHP5 generator creates stub methods for all interfaces a class implements (C. Brunsdon)
+* Fix load of associations in collaboration diagram (A. Spangler)
 * Bugs/wishes from http://bugs.kde.org:
+* "role A properties" should give class name (69244)
 * Java import - importing interfaces - absent visibility treated as package
   instead of public (131327)
 * Python code generation not independent of diagram view (131790)
--- branches/KDE/3.5/kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello/assocrules.cpp #579791:579792
@@ -270,8 +270,10 @@
 AssocRules::Assoc_Rule AssocRules::m_AssocRules []= {
     //  Association     widgetA         widgetB         role    multiplicity    directional     self
     { at_Association_Self,wt_Class,     wt_Class,       true,   true,   true,   true  },
+    { at_Association_Self,wt_Object,    wt_Object,      true,   true,   true,   true  },
     { at_Association_Self,wt_Interface, wt_Interface,   true,   true,   true,   true  },
     { at_Association,   wt_Class,       wt_Class,       true,   true,   true,   true },
+    { at_Association,   wt_Object,      wt_Object,      true,   true,   true,   true },
     { at_Association,   wt_Interface,   wt_Interface,   true,   true,   true,   true },
     { at_Association,   wt_Interface,   wt_Class,       true,   true,   true,   false },
     { at_Association,   wt_Class,       wt_Interface,   true,   true,   true,   false },
@@ -287,6 +289,7 @@
     { at_Association,   wt_Interface,   wt_Artifact,    true,   false,  false,  false },
     { at_Association,   wt_Node,        wt_Node,        true,   false,  false,  false },
     { at_UniAssociation,wt_Class,       wt_Class,       true,   true,   true,   true  },
+    { at_UniAssociation,wt_Object,      wt_Object,      true,   true,   true,   true  },
     { at_UniAssociation,wt_Interface,   wt_Interface,   true,   true,   true,   true  },
     { at_UniAssociation,wt_Interface,   wt_Class,       true,   true,   true,   true  },
     { at_UniAssociation,wt_Class,       wt_Interface,   true,   true,   true,   true  },

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