[Uml-devel] Loop in UMLListView::loadChildrenFromXMI( UMLListViewItem * parent, QDomElement & element )

Achim Spangler Achim.Spangler at mnet-online.de
Tue Oct 24 13:42:15 UTC 2006

Hi again,

Am Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2006 10:57 schrieb Achim Spangler:
> Comparing with other "continue" places in this function reveals, that the
> other places use a combination of "domElement = node.toElement();
> continue", so that the DOM is navigated further.
> My insertion of the "domElement = node.toElement()" has a half success:
> The XMI file is loaded now - but none of the diagrams is displayed (they
> are listed in listview - but not displayed when selected in listview).

The diagrams are now displayed again - after manually changing all XML-Tags of 
type UML:Model. Now the SVN REPO version (with my own fix for Datatype) 
produces reasonable output and also reloads Generalization.

The changes in XMI file:
-    <UML:Model stereotype="2" isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" 
visibility="public" namespace="m1" xmi.id="1" isRoot="false" 
isAbstract="false" name="Logische Ansicht" >
+    <UML:Model stereotype="1" isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" 
visibility="public" namespace="m1" xmi.id="Logical View" isRoot="false" 
isAbstract="false" name="Logical View" >

-      <UML:Package isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public" 
namespace="1" xmi.id="583817" isRoot="false" isAbstract="false" 
name="InteractionModell Layer" >
+      <UML:Package isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" visibility="public" 
namespace="Logical View" xmi.id="583817" isRoot="false" isAbstract="false" 
name="InteractionModell Layer" >

-    <UML:Model stereotype="2" isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" 
visibility="public" namespace="m1" xmi.id="3" isRoot="false" 
isAbstract="false" name="Anwendungsfallansicht" >
+    <UML:Model stereotype="1" isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" 
visibility="public" namespace="m1" xmi.id="Use Case View" isRoot="false" 
isAbstract="false" name="Use Case View" >

-    <UML:Model stereotype="2" isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" 
visibility="public" namespace="m1" xmi.id="4" isRoot="false" 
isAbstract="false" name="Komponentenansicht" >
+    <UML:Model stereotype="1" isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" 
visibility="public" namespace="m1" xmi.id="Component View" isRoot="false" 
isAbstract="false" name="Component View" >

-    <UML:Model stereotype="2" isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" 
visibility="public" namespace="m1" xmi.id="5" isRoot="false" 
isAbstract="false" name="Verteilungsansicht" >
+    <UML:Model stereotype="1" isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" 
visibility="public" namespace="m1" xmi.id="Deployment View" isRoot="false" 
isAbstract="false" name="Deployment View" >

-    <UML:Model stereotype="2" isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" 
visibility="public" namespace="m1" xmi.id="6" isRoot="false" 
isAbstract="false" name="Entity-Relationship-Modell" >
+    <UML:Model stereotype="1" isSpecification="false" isLeaf="false" 
visibility="public" namespace="m1" xmi.id="Entity Relationship Model" 
isRoot="false" isAbstract="false" name="Entity Relationship Model" >

The stereotype for the special UML:Model items like "Logical View" have to be 
set to "1" and no more "2". Additionally the xmi.id of those Model items is 
no more a normal UID - it's now the description text/name.

This change brought me back the diagrams in SVN version.


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