[Uml-devel] Resizing of synchronous message widgets doesn't work anymore

Achim Spangler Achim.Spangler at mnet-online.de
Thu Jan 26 00:18:03 UTC 2006

several month ago, I was able to change the vertical size of a synchronous 
message widget in a sequence diagram. There was a selection point in the 
lower right position, which I could select and move down/up.

This feature is important to model messages, which are raised during the 
execution of the main synchronous message (well - I think that's the main job 
of a synchronous message).

So I assume, that during some of the refactoring with UMLWidget, ... this 
special feature got lost.

I had a quick look on the code, but didn't find a point to fix this - despite 
the notewidget rendering which was quite easy to do.


In case this problem can't be easily fixed, I can issue a bugzilla entry for 
longterm tracing

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