[Uml-devel] branches/KDE/3.5/kdesdk/umbrello

JP Fournier jfournier121 at rogers.com
Mon Aug 7 00:08:07 UTC 2006

Oliver Kellogg wrote:
> JP Fournier wrote:
>>Will the patch below work as is?  Unless I'm misunderstanding things,
>>m_parseDepth  and m_FilesAlreadyParsed are not static, which I think
>>means that when we spawn off another instance of JavaImport to
>>resolve any other types we run into,  we get a new empty instances
>>of these member vars, so we'll reparse files we already parsed 
> You're right concerning m_parseDepth - it should only be reset in the
> JavaImport constructor but not in initVars() because the initVars()
> is called by NativeImportBase::parseFiles() for each imported file,
> and I corrected that in commit 570472.
> OTOH, a JavaImport instance is created only each time the user
> chooses the Import Code menubutton (see uml.cpp:1396 ff.)

Actually this is no longer the case (see the JavaImport::spawnImport 
method).  If these vars aren't static, then we can run into the problem 
with infinite loops and reparsing the same files over and over.  Right 
now, I can't think of another solution, though there surely is one...


> so IMHO the life time of the m_FilesAlreadyParsed is okay as is.
> Thanks again for  contributing
> Oliver

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