[Uml-devel] Umbrello usage issues

Steve G linux_4ever at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 9 07:05:26 UTC 2005

>> 12) Sequence diagram doesn't have the X symbol to show destruction of a
>> class. In the meantime, I suppose I could imitate it using a label, but it
>> should be directly supported by the tool.
>If you double click on an object box, the General Settings has a checkbox for
>"show destruction".

OK. Some other diagramming tools I've used have it on the palette where you can
drag and drop it.

>However, Umbrello continues to be almost unmaintained.
>Everybody, please consider contributing.

I think this is a great tool that shows a lot of promise. I really think it
should be nominated in some of the OpenSource awards. I already work on many open
source projects. I have time for some testing, but not a lot of time for coding. 

If someone wanted to help code today, is there a list of things for them to work
on? What are the needs?

-Steve Grubb

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