[Uml-devel] ListView suggestion - use bigger icons for diags

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Fri May 28 09:39:05 UTC 2004

On Sun, May 23, 2004 at 03:58:50PM +0200, BARTKO Zoltan wrote:

> Plans after that include SQL source code generation from Umbrello
> (specializing in the PostgreSQL flavor), finally reviewing and commiting my
> documentation generator, fulfill the wishes I filed to bugs.kde.org, etc.

Groovy.  There is already an SQL code generator, would this improve
and replace it?

> By then could someone please confirm these:
> 1. changing the name of a class does not cause the name change of the
> datatype created from this class

The datatype should not be made, it's a beastie.

> 2. changing the datatype name does not change the type name in the diagrams
> (like attribute and parameter types)

It doesn't.  That would probably be quite difficult to make happen.

> 3. I am unable to access an association that is within a rectangle. I can
> access any widget but not an association.

I've never noticed that, what a pain. Added to bugs.kde.org.

> Another thing:
> are Associations allowed to have documentation? If so, in a use-case diag it
> gets forgotten. If not, please someone disallow the documentation field in
> the dialog.

I think documentation should be allowed for associations but currently
it does seem to get lots immediatly, another beastie.

> Is there any perspective in incorporating the KDevelop project generation
> part into Umbrello? Like that we could just design the thing in Umbrello,
> click a few buttons and just continue in KDevelop. Then the only thing that
> remains is to hack KDevelop to modify the corresponding Umbrello project
> file if anything changes in the code that we should know about... bah, I am
> dreaming, that is far away yet...

It's been requested various times before.  It would be a lot of work
and KDevelop currently doesn't have all the features required by
Umbrello in it's class representation.

Jonathan Riddell

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