[Uml-devel] www/announcements/changelogs
Zoltan Bartko
bartko.zoltan at pobox.sk
Thu Aug 12 02:17:00 UTC 2004
Dňa Štvrtok 12. August 2004 11:05 Jonathan Riddell napísal:
> On Thu, Aug 12, 2004 at 11:00:13AM +0200, Sebastian Stein wrote:
> This doesn't read well, it sounds like this version of Umbrello can't
> read old Umbrello files. How about "Umbrello still compiles on KDE
> 3.1 but will not support the new compressed-XMI file format in this
> case"?
The wording was not too good. Right. I just have no idea how it came to your
mind that Umbrello was not capable of reading old files... it just said that
the ancient version misses things that are in newer KDE versions. Correct me,
if I am wrong.
By the way: Is anyone planning to write an official announcement on Umbrello
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