[Uml-devel] 9 bug fixes

Sebastian Stein seb_stein at gmx.de
Fri Apr 9 14:21:09 UTC 2004

Piotr Ko??aczkowski <P.Kolaczkowski at elka.pw.edu.pl> [040409 23:16]:
> How can I commit all these changes to the CVS? I do not have a good connection  
> to the Internet (only a 56k modem), so I'd rather not fill any long forms on 
> the web to gain write access to the CVS tree and I'd like to send only the 
> changed files if possible.

The best thing is to send in a patch, if possible a patch for every bug so
that we can review it.

Send it directly to this list or put it on a webspace and send the link.

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