[Uml-devel] XMI is not standar?

Marcos Dione mdione at grulic.org.ar
Fri Sep 12 12:37:25 UTC 2003

On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 01:17:51PM -0400, Andrew Sutton wrote:
> for example, umbrello's version of xmi store's private diagram information 
> within the same xml tree as the actual model (the data for all the classes, 
> attributes, packages, etc). argoUML might store its diagrams in SVG (it 
> doesn't, but lets pretend). at best, you can have each application read in 
> the model data, but it won't be able to re-create the diagrams. at worst, the 

    well, as far as I had seen, no UML app can load an xmi file. I
realize that in the xmi file only the abstract model is defined, and
that any app that would like to import such file should do an automatic
relayout'ing, may be using algorithms similar to those of graphviz.

> picture. moreover, you should actually be able to support a set of 
> stereotypes for an object (more than one).

    my question was, and I realize that it was too general, that if one
can apply stereotypes to anythin with umbrello. it still may be the app
I'm looking for.

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