[Uml-devel] kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello

Sebastian Stein seb_stein at gmx.de
Wed Oct 8 00:05:04 UTC 2003

Luis De la Parra Blum <lparrab at gmx.net> [031007 23:23]:
> that will work, but would not it be better to first create the Operation 
> "stand alone" and only after "Accepting" it add it to the classifier ?

Yes, there is a different handling between operations and attributes.
Attributes are added after they are accepted and operations before. I tend
to say the attribute way (after accepted) is better.

> Right now it's not well defined nor consistent who is responsabile for 
> creating such things, sometimes the UMLDoc creates objects, some times the 
> "Parent" objects... the same goes for deleting.
> What do you think of trying to standarize this and rename methods to be
> createXXX
> deleteXXX for *creating and destroying*
> and 
> addXXX
> removeXXX for inserting and removing things without deleting them ?

Mostly yes, but the problem is that we are in feature freeze and this
another code change which can lead to bugs. The problem is, that we don't
have a test framework to run a test suite after such (refactoring) changes
to test, if we broke something. So I'm not sure if it is now the right
moment to do such things.

> who do you think should be responsible for creating objects? only the UMLDoc ?
> or each "Container" object (classes create Operations and Attributes, etc )

Well, I think only the Container can handle such things. An attribute with
the same name in a class isn't allowed. If you handle such logic outside the
class class ;-), you implement a logic in umldoc, where it doesn't belong.

Umbrello UML Modeller
Description     : UML diagram drawing tool for KDE with code generation
Homepage        : http://www.umbrello.org/
Bug Reports     : http://bugs.kde.org/
CVS             : kdesdk/umbrello on cvs.kde.org:/home/kde

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