[Uml-devel] kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello

Brian Thomas thomas at mail630.gsfc.nasa.gov
Wed Oct 1 08:37:10 UTC 2003

CVS commit by thomas: 

usability fix: Why is the default attribute 'private'? Many UML diagrams are to display the functioning of the classes publically, so it is of the most value for the designer to have public (and protected) attributes on the diagram. Revert to old way; I get tired of having to change every attribute I create back to public

  M +1 -1      attribute.h   1.11

--- kdesdk/umbrello/umbrello/attribute.h  #1.10:1.11
@@ -35,5 +35,5 @@ public:
          * @param iv            The initial value of the attribute.
-        UMLAttribute(QObject * parent, QString name, int id, QString type = "int", Scope s = Private, QString iv = 0);
+        UMLAttribute(QObject * parent, QString name, int id, QString type = "int", Scope s = Public, QString iv = 0);

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