[Uml-devel] Re: Still cannot export diagram

Stephen Torri storri at sbcglobal.net
Fri May 30 09:03:05 UTC 2003

On Fri, 2003-05-30 at 11:02, Stephen Torri wrote:
> I have rebuilt the kdelibs because this was the place where the warning
> was complaining about the version of ksycoca. The version for the
> kdelibs file ksycoca.h/.cpp was 61. I opened up the kdelibs source code
> and found that in the ksycoca.cpp there was a check to see if the
> database being opened was of the proper version. The database version is
> checked to see if it was at least equal to or greater than the KSycoca
> version. At present what ever is the reason the database being opened is
> of version 60. Is my problem in KDE libs, QT, or a file left over from a
> previous install of Umbrello? This will help in tracking down the
> problem.
> Stephen

As with many things you first ask a question looking an answer, find the
answer and then sheepishly admit you don't need help. Removal of the
/tmp/kde-storri/ksycoca file and restarting Umbrello fixed the problem.
For some reason the temporary file was not getting its version updated.
So I can now export diagrams.

Stephen Torri <storri at sbcglobal.net>
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