[Uml-devel] Article about Umbrello

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Tue May 6 07:02:18 UTC 2003

On Tue, 6 May 2003, Sebastian Stein wrote:

> Sebastian Stein <seb_stein at gmx.de> [030503 11:32]:
> > > Some good points, some ones we've fixed and some invalid points.  But
> > > overall a good review which is great.  I wonder if it'll be in next
> > > month's UK edition of Linux Magazine.
> >
> > Maybe we could write a short notice for dot.kde.org? And I also could write
> > back to Linux Mag explaining some of the points they mentioned.
> I've written a mail to the German Linux Magazin. (I have forwarded a copy of
> the mail)
> I also submitted a story to dot.kde.org some days ago, but it seems, that
> they don't want to submit it. I haven't got any feedback from the dot.kde.org
> team.

Try kdenews.unixcode.org, if they're still running.  They are a more user
centric news site.


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